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Karen Olckers

Malmesbury Panel Session: Access to Affordable Quality Healthcare

Karen Olckers

LifePath Health, Chief Operating Officer

After qualifying her master’s degree in social Worker, Karen worked in this capacity in South Africa and the UK. Her UK work experience was in the capacity as clinician, providing therapeutic solutions the employees, via a Workplace Wellness Programme. Her South African work experience included a stint as Corporate Accounts Manager in the Employee Wellness industry in South Africa with the Careways Group, with various corporate and parastatal clients in her portfolio, such as Eskom and Transnet.

Karen joined Life Path Health in 2005, heading up a new division called Work Place Wellness, in a joint venture capacity, providing training, support and treatment solutions to management and HR divisions of clients. In 2013 she received her PhD in Social Work. Due to her success with Work Place Wellness and her leadership qualities, organisational skills and solution driven approach, she was appointed as Group Operations Manager for Life Path Health and from there, naturally progressed to being appointed as Chief Operating Officer and member of the Exco. She plays a pivotal role as member of the National Hospital Network (NHN) Psychiatric Medical Aid Tariff Committee in designing and negotiating reimbursement systems with medical aids for the member hospitals. Karen is also a shareholder in Life Path Health.

LifePath Health, Chief Operating Officer
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