Our priorities
We prioritise programmes that empower women and benefit children and that allow Summit Africa's staff to participate in the programme.
Community upliftment
We collaborate with projects and public benefit organisations that work with vulnerable communities in underserved parts of South Africa. We will prioritise projects that help combat the extreme challenge of poverty, health, and education and help build thriving and resilient communities.
Empowering women
We champion women’s & girls’ access to health & wellbeing, education and economic empowerment. We support services and programmes that improve access to leadership opportunities, quality employment, finance, enterprise support and enhance economic participation and access for women of all ages.
A brighter future for our children
We support public benefit organisations working with children at risk of poor educational, health, social and economic outcomes. In addressing these needs we help build a brighter future where children will grow up to have the power to shape their lives.
Encouraging individual action
We believe that small actions lead to great change. We support and encourage our team to share their skills, knowledge, know-how and time to serve their communities through individual efforts and various community-based projects.

How we partner for impact
The Foundation supports public benefit organisations, projects and charities serving vulnerable people living in the underserved areas of South Africa that have been adopted by our portfolio companies and Investment Funds.

The Summit Africa Foundation

We recognise that all people are equal and accept and respect our place within the global ecosystem of people.
We value fair treatment by the systems, structures and institutions that govern our lives.
We acknowledge and accept all people’s innate dignity, humanity, and value.
We define this as equal access and rights to opportunity and the services and resources that society offers regardless of race, ethnicity, sex, gender, economic status or ability.
We strive to intentionally and consistently create a safe and comfortable space wherein policies and practices promote all people’s full participation and sense of belonging.
We seek creative, bold and enduring change rooted in the best available evidence, analysis and science, and collaboration.

The Summit Africa Foundation is a registered public benefit organisation
It is a 2.5% shareholder of Summit Africa and shares in 2.5% of the free carry earned in any of our Funds.

Governance & values
The Foundation honours the aspirations of Summit Africa by using the resources it placed in trust in ways that remain true to its philosophy, ethos and values.
The Foundation is governed by a comprehensive set of policies and processes to ensure that it meets its objectives with integrity and is managed effectively, efficiently and transparently.

Our Foundation’s vision is to provide hope and increase access to opportunities for vulnerable people, particularly women and children living in underserved areas of South Africa.
Our Foundation Projects